Room Decorating Tips for Girls
The perfect picture of a doll, isn't it? However, what if your girl is all about gym gear, black nail paint and football type? But obviously, concentrates on complimenting her character. Pink may be a pretty and a 'girly' color, but she might not like it. So just open your mind to other room painting ideas for girls. Allow her to decorate her space. Let her paint it azure if she is fond of the sea. You have the rest of the house to impose your likings upon. Try to come up with interesting color combination in tandem with your daughter's tastes. If you feel that painting her entire room red would be to much, and yet your girl is insistent upon getting the room done up in that color, convince her to get at least one wall done in white or some other soothing color. This will also give the room a colorful twist and maintain the visual equilibrium. Also, placing a huge photograph of your girl on top of the bed will help her to obtain that 'my domain' feeling. This will aid her to identify her space faster, as transition is often very difficult to accept for girls. To learn more about some of the room color combination read more on room colors for girls.
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